Friday, January 8, 2010

Three month old infant with purple dots bruise like under-skin rash

A couple months ago we noticed strange bruise-like rash at outter part of left baby’s knee. We researched a bit on the net and the information we found was very concerning. We decided to visit our pediatrician since we considered this rash could be a symptom of some very serious conditions.

We did a blood work and everything turned out to be normal. Pediatrician suspected low thrombocytes which is a common symptom for diverse blood diseases such as thrombocytopenia purpura. We were very concerned but thanks god it turned just as a simple virosis. The rash dots bleached and disappeared after a week.

A few days ago a few dots appeared again on another leg but lesser then the first time. It seems he caught another virosis again, but it seems to bleach day after day, so it would obviously go away soon. I took a pic so you could use for comparison.

Bottom line, if you notice similar rash with your infant, you shouldn’t hesitate to visit your pediatrician and find out the main reason.

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